Thursday, July 31, 2008


I’m praying we must be patient

We must wait

For Gods right timing

Our prayers will be answered

Answered Yes!!

Maybe not In the way we want

We feel is the best way

But God knows what is the best way

And all things do work

Together for good

For those who love Him

I praise the Lord for all

His answers to prayer

And I praise Him for all

The prayers He will answer

Thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord

I love you.



March 2,1979


I love you more than nicklels

I love you more than dimes

I love you more than money

I love you more than time

I love you more than lemons

I love you more than limes

I love you more than winter

I love you more than spring

I love you more than summer

 I love you for everything

 I love you when I’m happy 

I love you when I’m sad

I love you when I’m angry

I love you when I’m mad

I love you when I’m feeling good

I love you when I’m feeling bad

I love you in the morning

I love you in the night

I love you with all my might

I love you more than cleaning

I love you more than cooking

I love you more than washing

For without you my life would 

Have no meaning

I love you for being you!!!!!!!

And guess what else I love You!

Sounds corney but true…….Have a great day I hope your

Soup stays hot!

P.S.  I love you more than Spaghetti…….AND THAT’S  A whole lot. LOT!!!!!!

Brenda Edwards           Jan.10,1979


You were so very tiny

With a cute little hinney

You only weighted a couple pounds

But you sure made a lot of sound-

You couldn’t wait to get here.

You weren’t due ‘til the next year.

But you had only one fear.

You Had to come before Jody dear.

We all were so very worried.

You looked kind of like a rat.

But you were a real good eater-

And soon you got some fat.

Your first words were “potato Chip”

You loved them oh so much-

You ate them for breakfast 

And you ate them for lunch.

You are my favorite little niece-

You are so very sweet-

I bought you these potato chips

There all for you to eat-

I hope your day is special-

I love you oh so much-

I hope that you are not mad at me

You hurt me when you punch!

Aunt Brenda  

Teach Me Thy Way

I feel so overwhelmed, Lord

I do so many wrongs

I’m having such a struggle

It’s hard to sing your song.

I doubt and I worry

For this I am concerned

Please hurry up and show me

What you would have me learn.

People seem unloving

I take things the wrong way

It isn’t them, it’s me, Lord.

I feel I’ve gone astray.

I’ve tried to keep a balance;

I know I’ve tipped the scales.

I truly want to serve you

Yet time and time I fail.

I seem to get uptight, Lord

I try to interfere

With your perfect plan, Lord

Your voice I need to hear.

I worry for our children

When you would have me trust.

For I know you love them;

You died for them – You must.

I try to do too much, Lord

So many needs I see.

In my own strength  I can’t, Lord

Teach me to lean on thee.

I want to be like you,Lord

Perfected, I want to be.

Until we meet in heaven

And glory I will see.

But while I’m here on earth,Lord

I give my life to thee.

I want to live for you, Lord

Help me your will to see.

                                                                          Brenda Edwards

The Creator

       God is the potter

We are the clay

All of us different

He planned it that way.

Some of us teachers

Some of us preach

All are important

The lost we must reach.

We all have a gift

To be used for our King

Your gift might be mercy

Anothers  to sing.

Some are the planners

They see things to do 

Follow their leading

They need me and you.

Brenda Edwards

Mother's Love

The work load’s enormous

Demands never cease

Laundry and dishes

“Play with me Please”

School time approaches

You’re nervous and sad

Cutting the apron strings

“Please take my hand”

Ball games and concerts

Parties at school

Cupcakes and candy

It’s coming too soon.

Busy are mothers

From morning ‘til nite

I pray for endurance,

Wisdom --- insight.

Emotional, physical and

Spiritual needs

A doctor, Dear Abby

A minister please.

No time for mommy

To gather her thoughts

Too busy thinking---

Where’s the homework that’s lost?

High school then college

Worry still---

What are they up to?

Are they seeking God’s will?

Marriage and children

Grandmothers here?

To comfort and hold you 

A love that is real!

Mothering starts before

Baby is born

A gift oh so precious

From our  wonderful Lord.

Emotions are changing

Pains, hurts and fears.

Different and many

The joys that we feel.

We grow up and leave you

But never our hearts !

The love grows stronger

The love mothers start.

                                             By Brenda Edwards
