Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teach Me Thy Way

I feel so overwhelmed, Lord

I do so many wrongs

I’m having such a struggle

It’s hard to sing your song.

I doubt and I worry

For this I am concerned

Please hurry up and show me

What you would have me learn.

People seem unloving

I take things the wrong way

It isn’t them, it’s me, Lord.

I feel I’ve gone astray.

I’ve tried to keep a balance;

I know I’ve tipped the scales.

I truly want to serve you

Yet time and time I fail.

I seem to get uptight, Lord

I try to interfere

With your perfect plan, Lord

Your voice I need to hear.

I worry for our children

When you would have me trust.

For I know you love them;

You died for them – You must.

I try to do too much, Lord

So many needs I see.

In my own strength  I can’t, Lord

Teach me to lean on thee.

I want to be like you,Lord

Perfected, I want to be.

Until we meet in heaven

And glory I will see.

But while I’m here on earth,Lord

I give my life to thee.

I want to live for you, Lord

Help me your will to see.

                                                                          Brenda Edwards

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